The Essential 4 Protocol
Turn Your Dreams Into Reality with the 4 L’s
Session #1 - The Foundation Builder.
This session assists you, so you can get what you want and get it now. We need to make sure you are committed to your follow through. Since this is also a discovery session, learning about your situation and your vision of your future and your best self, we could be together up to 2 hours. (Depending on vision and results)
Session #2 - Spot, Find and Remove Barriers.
It’s time to reach the next level up. Like a surgeon, we reach the next level of your success by getting to the cause instead of just dealing with the symptoms. You get clear on why you continue to do what you do, release the problem, upgrade the belief and allow yourself to experience your next level up. In essence, a quantum healing takes place that will rapidly propel you to your next level of success.
Session #3 - Obliterate Limiting Beliefs.
How much more powerful can you be? Let’s find out. I use insider techniques to transform the limiting beliefs that have been blocking your success. This session continues the emotional upgrades that make it easy for you to use your past experiences in order to bring out you at your best in mind, body and spirit.
Session #4 - Bring Your Vision Into Reality.
The first session built the foundation of everything you needed for rapid results. The 2nd and 3rd session healed your history so you can write your next chapter of success. Now we need to bring it all together so you can release everything and everyone that’s been holding you back so you have access to all of your potential power.

Go From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be!
Do you want to feel fantastic personally and professionally?
Do you want to easily and quickly let go of negativity like fear, doubt or worry?
Do you want to be more productive, focused and happy?
Perhaps, you have been to so many different doctors. They want to prescribe medications, but you want to get to the root cause of the symptoms and resolve them instead of using a Band-Aid. You want someone who cares and will give you 100% and their very best.
I created a system; a program called The Essential 4 to get you from where you are to where you want to be easier and quicker than you ever thought possible. The Essential 4 System has assisted thousands of children and adults in overcoming worry, fear, resentment, insomnia, chronic pain and feelings of anxiety and depression. The system is so effective for change it gets over a 90% success rate and is taught to other hypnotists to use with their clients.
Rapid Results for Healing Your Body, Mind & Spirit
Because You Are Ready To Experience Life The Way You Want It
The Essential 4
4 Transformational Hypnosis with Coaching Sessions
Receive spotlight coaching and customization in 4 Private Coaching/Hypnosis sessions devoted just for you. Each session lasts up to 90 minutes to 2 hours and will focus on what you need to upgrade your habits and patterns, optimize your environment and master your mental mindset for your next level of Success. I personally support you in the process to bring all parts of you together.
This program is for you because you want to experience rapid results and because you are ready to experience success now, on your terms. Think about what you could you do when confidence is no longer a question. You believe in yourself, sleep soundly, trust yourself and your decisions. You are free to build the life you truly desire.
Text and Email support as you need it
2 Phone Support Sessions 10-15 minutes each
Jump Start Bonuses include 4 Hypnosis MP3’s + Guidebook
Call Today for a Confidential Phone Interview with Randi. 219.929.8726. Don't wait to live the life you've always wanted.
Rapid Results for Healing Your Body, Mind & Spirit
Because It’s Time To Turn Your Desires Into Your Reality
The Outstanding 8
8 Transformational Hypnosis with Coaching Sessions
Receive spotlight coaching and customization in 8 Private Coaching/Hypnosis sessions devoted and just for you. Each session can last up to 90 minutes to 2 hours and will focus on what you need to upgrade your habits and patterns, optimize your environment and master your mental mindset for your next level of Success.
This package is for you because you are ready to make deep and lasting changes. You are a go getter and you love learning. You are now ready to live the life you truly desire, but you know that there is something deep that could be causing some physical and emotional problems. You have recently begun to feel the effects and it needs to stop now. You will no longer tolerate it controlling you. You want to get past it, but you don’t know how. You can take charge of your life, you just need the tools and strategies to clear and heal so you can be your authentic self, filled with abundance, joy and prosperity.
Text & Email Support as you need it
4 Phone Support Coaching Sessions 10-15 minutes each
Jump Start Bonuses Include - 4 Hypnosis MP3’s + Guidebook
Imagine how quickly you will progress as you continue to clear out the nightmares of the past while building a foundation of confidence.
Call Randi for a Confidential Phone Consultation to Determine which Program is a Good Fit for Your Next Step. 219.929.8726.
Don't Wait To Live the Life You've Always Dreamed Of.
Rapid Results for Healing Your Body, Mind & Spirit
Scaling UP! For Those Ready to Take it All the Way!
The Transformational 12
12 Transformational Sessions That Combine Hypnosis With Coaching
Receive spotlight coaching and customization in 12 Private Sessions that combine
Hypnotherapy with Coaching devoted just for you. Each session can last up to 90
minutes to 2 hours and will focus on what you need to heal, upgrade your habits and
patterns, optimize your environment and master your mental mindset for your next
level of Success.
This package is for you because you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. You
are ready to make deep and lasting changes and live the life you truly desire. But,
you know that there are deep rooted habits and unresolved issues that are causing
emotional, physical, and / or financial challenges. You have recently begun to really
feel the effects and it needs to stop now. You will no longer tolerate ‘it’ controlling
you. You want to get past it, but you don’t know how.
You can take charge of your life. You just need the tools and strategies to heal so you
can feel good and be your authentic self, filled with abundance, joy, health and
Text & Email Support as you need it
6 Phone Support Coaching Sessions 10-15 minutes each
Jump Start Bonuses Include - 6 Hypnosis MP3’s + Guidebook
Call Randi for a Confidential Phone Consultation to Determine which Program is a Good Fit for Your Next Step. 219.929.8726.