What Her Clients Have to Say...
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Hypnosis has completely changed the way I think and feel about food. It no longer has the emotional appeal and control over me that it used to. Hypnosis is a massage for the mind. It feels wonderful and at the same time it benefits all aspects of your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health and well being. I highly recommend this experience to everyone. Randi is a wonderful person and has a beautiful voice.
-Pam Lange
After my first session, I was the most relaxed I have ever been- it lasted 3 days. It seemed like I was lighter and more free so I dealt with my everyday stresses differently and more evenly. Listening to the self-hypnosis CD’s were amazing-even if I could not sit back and close my eyes to get the full hypnosis, I would listen while I folded laundry or the dishes-I still felt empowered and able to control and learn from my behaviors.
This experience is changing me for the better. I came for help and understanding in one area of my life but I received a lot more improvements about me in many areas of my life. I’m sure this experience is different for everyone. But I know for sure it is always going to be a positive experience.
– Dawn Fadden
The hypnosis has been very helpful. I have let go of the stress that was causing me chest pains and sleepless nights. My concerns are not overbearing fears and worries. I have been more focused on events of the day or moments. It has enhanced my relationship with God and appreciation for what life is now. Thank you.
– Christine Conrad
Thank you so much for our sessions which helped me lose weight, feel positive about family relationships and feel positive about my health. After each session, I was more relaxed than before and the self-hypnosis techniques have been wonderful for me. I have also used the CD’s to help me relax and sleep better.
– Earl Cunningham
Hypnosis has been an amazing experience for me this year. I have been able to use my anchor to create the things I want, and change things in my life that I thought I had no control over. The electrifying effect of the anchor is awesome, and is something I have never experienced. From taking control of my relationship with Brian to staying away from Wendy’s frosties, hypnosis is totally a part of my life! I can’t wait to see you when we have an appointment scheduled! You are a true inspiration because of what you do. Thank you for being there for me!
– Jamie Fulford
When my MD said I should go see Randi, a hypnotist, I thought she was crazy. Then my wife said I should do it (meaning go or suffer the consequences). I never though that hypnosis and it’s “mumbo-jumbo” could ever work on me, much less anyone else. I have never been so wrong in my life! In 5 sessions with Randi I quit smoking, started loving myself, I started losing the desire to eat foods that are bad for me, I started losing weight and exercising and I even began to forgive myself and others who I felt injured by in the past. I have found a new excitement and freedom in my life. I have tried years and years of conventional therapy without the dramatic results I achieved with Randi in 5 short weeks.
One excuse I used for not going to Randi Light was that my Insurance wouldn’t cover it. If a year of conventional therapy could have helped me achieve this much, I would have spent 5 times as much as Randi’s fees on the deductible alone! That doesn’t include all the additional gas and time a year of therapy would involve.
Do you think like I did that hypnosis is “mumbo-jumbo?” Well let me tell you that I don’t like the term hypnosis because is conjures up images of T.V. shows and people doing strange things. What Randi does is puts you into a deeply relaxed and meditative state. You are fully conscious, in control and aware of your surroundings. In a deeply relaxed and meditative state you able to address the reasons you eat too much, smoke drink or take drugs. This process can help you deal with any, ANY problems you can have. I had been holding onto a tremendous amount of resentment and anger at those who I felt mistreated me in the past. I was only hurting myself. Randi helped me to actually embrace and forgive those people and allow me to forgive myself for my wrongs in those relationships.
Do you need to keep going and going and paying and paying? Absolutely not! That is the beauty of this type of help. Randi teaches you how to help yourself. After a couple of sessions she will have you PUT YOURSELF INTO HYPNOSIS! She offers CD’s for sale that will keep teaching and training you. Randi seemed highly motivated to get you up and on your own two feet fast. She wants you to get better fast. In conventional therapy I was taught that some changes take a long, long time or that they come back after you get rid of them. With Randi it is possible to completely fix a problem in ONLY ONE SESSION!
If you are a spiritual person, Randi will be there for you. Her close connection with God comes through her personality and every aspect of her healing program. If you are a Christian and were taught that hypnosis is wrong, you will change your mind. Jesus was with me all the way through this process and, as believers know, he is the real one who did all the healing.
Not a person of faith or spirituality? Randi is very sensitive to that and can adapt according to your needs. She is not pushy about her faith at all. Randi is simply a loving and healing soul who will be there for you and lead you down the path to health and wholeness.
– Rev. Simon Joseph
It’s probably been 6 months since I visited you and had a “session.” Initially my bruxism stopped completely and this is monumental for me! I am on my third NTI/nightguard across the 25+ years of grinding my teeth. And my dentist thinks that’s great. I do too. Anything to relieve the subconscious stress and put an end to chipped molars and massive morning headaches. Occasionally, I need to remind myself of what you’ve taught me with relaxation techniques and I am good as new. Thank you. (I must say that I was skeptical of hypnosis, not of you Randi, but of the process. I never knew it could be of any use except for entertaining an audience-while the hypnotized behaved like a chicken or something equally embarrassing.)
– Susan Anderson
My experience with hypnosis was liberating and fulfilling. You made me feel comfortable and at total ease with my experience. Your practice is surrounded with healing for the mind and body. My sensory experience was uplifting and filled with positive imagery. With your help, I am filled with success and blessed to know that achieving all that is good in life is possible.
Randi is a wonderful person and a visionary, who I would recommend to anyone who wants to make success a part of their daily life or who wants to share positive experiences with others in the world. Thank you for an uplifting experience!!!
– Andy Mason
Just wanted to let you know how our sessions together have changed my life. The personal sessions as well as your hypnosis cd have given me insights on behaviors and how I can change unwanted tendencies. I feel more in control and a greater sense of peace. Thank you for your wonderful tools.
– Amy Kress
This was the most positive experience I ever had! During the very 1st session, all the pain in my neck and upper back melted away along with my tension. While at home, I was able to listen to track 1 of your CD to calm down when stressful situations arose. Track 2 cured my insomnia and erased the headache that was keeping me awake. Now, in my everyday life, I am able to call up my positive memories and good feelings to diffuse negative situations. Both my mum and my boyfriend said they noticed a difference in my face: that; looked happy and relaxed.
The hypnosis itself was SO amazing! I felt like I was vibrating with energy and, at one point, even felt the lake waves in a memory I was recalling – fantastic! I recommend this to everyone… my mum is already exited to start her sessions.
– Jen Woronecki
For months my hands and fingers were painful and tight! I have always been a “hands on” person- I thought it was the onset of arthritis due to overuse! Randi noticed me flexing my fingers trying to improve movement. She suggested using N.L.P. to relieve the pain and tightness! Since taking aspirin (6 at a time) wasn’t helping, I skeptically thought to myself, Riiight…At that time, it would have been difficult to write a letter- I had nothing to lose! The N.L.P. was easy to do and interesting! 10 minutes- the pain was gone and my fingers worked!! INCREDIBLE!!!
– Steve Arnold
Over the years, I have reduced my “meal portions” a handful of times. While it is an effective way to lose weight, it was misery while my stomach was adapting! I was always hungry and a little irritable those first two weeks. Hypnosis is amazing! With only 1 session, my proportions were halved, yet I still felt “full and satisfied!” I’m also chewing my food better and enjoying my meals more!!The entire experience feels so natural and normal! Every day I feel lighter and stronger! Thanks Randi.
– Steve Arnold
I believe that the sessions that we had together combined with the motivational tapes really gave me a focus for my weight loss and helped me change my behavior. The differences were subtle at first but they took me by surprise. I noticed that I had changed the way in which I viewed eating and that these changes came naturally as if without effort. I was skeptical about trying hypnotism, but Randi made me feel comfortable and relaxed with the process. At no time did I feel as though I was out of my own control, but through the process of the sessions I came to feel as though the positive changes in how I viewed eating, and not being focused on “dieting,” was the key to my success. It was a completely natural experience. This was a very empowering experience for me and I would recommend it to others as a tool in developing a more healthy lifestyle.
– C.H.
As a lark one night in the restaurant that we see Randi in, she informed me that she could hypnotize me. I was very skeptical but I let her try. She asked what I would like to stop or control and I jokingly said I would like to stop wanting to eat M&M’s. She did her hypnosis right there in the restaurant; it was very easy and comfortable and relaxed. I was still very skeptical as to the process working. This was over one year ago and to this day, I have not eaten one M&M candy. I have not had a desire or taste for them. I used to eat a bag or more at least once if not twice per week. Don’t know if this would work on other things, as I have not tried to use it on anything else. I do know this has stopped me from my M&M desire.
– Dan Recktenwall
I found our hypnosis work to be extremely helpful in preparing for surgery especially in relieving fear and apprehension that I was feeling before coming to you. I was relaxed and calm and able to feel more confident going into surgery which I think helped in having a very successful procedure. I believe that using hypnosis (and in particular the suggestions we worked on together) also helped afterward because I needed no pain medication at all. The healing process went extremely well and I had the patience I needed, having listened to the healing CD for the two week period before surgery and one week afterward. I feel great and recommend hypnosis to anyone planning to have surgery. Hypnosis really helps to feel calm and confident going into surgery and also helped in having less (or in my case: NO) pain and in healing quickly and easily.
– Alice Madden
As you Know I wasn’t that comfortable with hypnosis. I believed I couldn’t get into the state of hypnosis. I always want to be in control of myself, and my feelings and I had thought that I would lose control if I went in to hypnosis. That particular day you wanted to use hypnosis on me, I was very uptight and anxious because of misplacing something very important that I don’t even like to mention. I had searched for over an hour or so in my house in place where I knew it would be but it wasn’t there. I was devastated because I couldn’t find it and I had to leave the house. When I got to your house I poured out my heart and soul to you about losing this important object and that is when you wanted to try hypnosis to find the object. I didn’t want to but you suggested that I try it. I had faith in you because of the past two years if massage therapy which brought great relief. So I agreed.
It didn’t feel different other than I was so relaxed, more relaxed than I have ever been. It seemed like it happened so fast and towards the end I felt better. When I returned home, I found it immediately and I wasn’t even looking for it. Because I was so relaxed, instead of the frantic feeling I had before I left, I just walked over to the counter, and there it was. It was amazing. It really was. It was sitting there all along yet I could not see it until hypnosis relaxed and calmed me. I am a firm believer that hypnosis is real and it worked for me.
– W. Maxine Wunder
I did 3 sessions with Randi, one was over the phone at State. I was seated 8th place…We did some visualizations and I ended up shaving off 2 SECONDS from the 50 Meter Butterfly and getting 2nd at that meet. Later at Zones, I got the fastest time in the state for that season.
– Jessica Yukich – Swimmer – Age 12
Words cannot express how much you have helped change my life. I am sleeping better…I am much more positive everyday. The things from my past I am able to forgive in my heart – which I really never thought would happen. You are a true healer of life. I was skeptical in the beginning but let my heart guide me…I can make positive changes in my life – and have. Thank you. I went through 3 years of therapy and did not get the healing power like I did within 5 sessions with you.
– Sara Sciarrabba, Sendoutcards.com
I came to see Randi for the first time 2 weeks ago. I was having a lot of trouble sleeping. I would wake up every night at 2:00 am and would be awake for 2 hours. Just from 1 session, I am sleeping through the night. If I wake up I turn over and fall right back asleep – That’s amazing. I know longer let negativity into my life and I unconsciously choose not to let those things bother me. Because of that I found that I have a more positive attitude. And I am attacking the tasks of my workday with gusto. I have more business now than I have ever had before so I highly recommend that you invest in yourself and spend some time with Randi Light.
– Susan Vukelich
I was at a point in my life where I felt like I was going nowhere… From the very first meeting with you things started changing for the better. I am the happiest I’ve been in a long time. Through your hypnosis I have changed the way I approach everything in life and what it throws at me.
– Matt Miller
I took my son Ryan to see Randi Light about a year ago. I wanted to work on his confidence and bed-wetting. Ryan is 11 and took to her immediately! She helped him be more confident and we succeeded in the other as well. Ryan still listens to his “special” CD that Randi made for him. Thanks so much!
– Cindy Scheuchner, Emma’s Eats & Cottage Connections
Randi has helped change my way of thinking. She has worked with my children to help them overcome nightmares, and athletic competition challenges. I have personally used her services with excellent results. Several of those I care about have also utilized Randi’s unique services and experienced extraordinary changes including overcoming fears, call reluctance, difficulty sleeping, weight loss, and more. Not only does Randi help with all of the above, but she will teach you strategies for self help. I would highly recommend Randi and her services to anyone.
– Carey Yukich, Wealth Manager – Airey Financial Group