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Randi's Feel Great, Take Off Weight & Keep it Off Program: Special
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From the Comfort of Your Own Home ~Hypnosis Makes Weight Loss Easy!

“I have currently lost 22 pounds. The first 15 I credit to the Weight Loss MP3’s. It’s been over a year and the weight is still off.” ~Pamela Less HoadIey
Your Personal Hypnosis Audio Includes:
Just Say No
Metabolic Booster
Let go of Limiting Beliefs
The inspirational and motivational hypnosis sessions tackle and transform your eating and drinking habits by changing how you think and feel about food and exercise. You literally create new healthy eating habits as a result of listening to the sessions.
Take Off Weight, Feel Great and Keep it Off.
Do you want to breakthrough your old weight loss patterns of overeating, eating late at night or eating unhealthy foods? Or do you need to gather momentum to start an exercise program and enjoy it? This MP3 includes 3 hypnosis sessions designed to revolutionize your thinking, eating and beliefs about exercise. Each hypnosis session includes 20 minutes of wisdom, suggestions, tools and staying power.
What’s even more fascinating is that scientific research demonstrates that when we are worried, overwhelmed, living in fear or any other negative emotion we are creating a stress state and kicking in the fight-flight-freeze response in the body. When you are in a chronic stress state your body burns sugar instead of fat and stores the fat instead! Just by going into the focused state of hypnosis, your body’s systems can ‘reset’ and you feel more calm, confident and in control of your thoughts, feelings and actions. As a result, you feel better, have more energy, and your metabolism runs in a much more efficient manner. I highly recommend you jump on board and purchase the program. Don’t let the sabotaging self stop you. Take charge. You deserve to have a healthier and happier body and life. Just click to begin to experience the benefits for your mind, body and life.